As a sole trader working from home what tools do I use for working in and on my Business.
One of the most important tools I use for working In my business is LogMeIn. I have LogMeIn Free or LogMeIn Pro installed on nearly all clients Servers, Laptops and PC's. I also use LogMeIn Central which gives me a management console that allows me to organise clients into groups. LogMeIn Ignition on my Android Phone and Work PC gives me quick access without having to login to a webpage. My next buy will be an Android tablet.
Tracking time is always difficult, so I use Minutedock to track time. It uses a Twitter style interface for entering time, and the best thing for me is that it integrates with Xero Accounting. Minutedock retrieves the client list from Xero and also creates invoices in Xero, which makes is easier to capture time and bill for it. I am just testing Zendesk helpdesk system, but it doesn't integrate with Xero or Minutedock so I will be looking at WorkFlowMax to replace ZenDesk and maybe Minutedock.
Google Apps for Business is another essential element. Having all my email and calendars online an easily accessible from anywhere makes keeping track of appointment easy.
Zendesk does integrate with Minutedock. Minutedock have 'hidden' this feature, but if you ask they will provide access.